Al Tools

Face Swap

The resources (image, video) generated by our API are valid for 7 days. Please save the relevant resources as soon as possible to prevent expiration.

Get File Upload URL

Start by getting the upload endpoint for a local file.


Body Attributes application/json

Parameter Type Required Description
file_name string true You need to specify the file name, the API will respond with an url to upload file and unique key representing your asset

Response Attributes

Parameter Type Description
upload_url string An url to upload file
key string An unique key representing your asset



    "file_name": "demo.jpg",


    "code": 200,
    "message": "ok",
    "data": {
        "upload_url": "",
        "key": "temporary/20240816/3620/1723807527474-df2da456-b92b-b339-3bee-76365268665a.jpg"

Upload File

Start by uploading a local file to MioCreate using the upload endpoint.

PUT upload_url returned from “Get File Upload URL”

Get Access URL

Use the endpoint to access the file


Body Attributes application/json

Parameter Type Required Description
key string true An unique key representing your asset

Response Attributes

Parameter Type Description
url string An endpoint to access the file



    "key": "Your unique key representing your file",


    "code": 200,
    "message": "ok",
    "data": {
        "url": ""

Image Face Swap

Upload image to swap a face.


Body Attributes application/json

Parameter Type Required Description
main_key string true An unique key representing your original face image
target_key string true An unique key representing your target face image
is_hd init false High quality mode 1: Enable 2: Disable

Response Attributes

Parameter Type Description
task_id int An unique id representing your faceswap task



    "key": "An unique key representing your original face image",
    "target_key": "An unique key representing your target face image",
    "is_hd": 2,


    "code": 200,
    "message": "ok",
    "data": {
        "task_id": 1

Video Face Swap

Upload video to swap a face.


Body Attributes application/json

Parameter Type Required Description
main_key string true An unique key representing your original face video
target_key string true An unique key representing your target face image
is_hd init false High quality mode 1: Enable 2: Disable

Response Attributes

Parameter Type Description
task_id int An unique id representing your faceswap task



    "key": "An unique key representing your original face video",
    "target_key": "An unique key representing your target face image",
    "is_hd": 2,


    "code": 200,
    "message": "ok",
    "data": {
        "task_id": 2

Get Multiple Faces

Get multiple faces from a image or video to specify what targets to be swapped.


Body Attributes application/json

Parameter Type Required Description
main_key string true Your unique key representing your original face image or video

Response Attributes

Parameter Type Description
task_id int Your unique key representing your original face image or video



    "main_key": "An unique key representing your original face image",


    "code": 200,
    "message": "ok",
    "data": {
        "task_id": 3

Multiple Image Face Swap

Change faces on group images with target faces.


Body Attributes application/json

Parameter Type Required Description
avatar_key array true Face swap task data consists of original face and target face
target_part_key string true An unique key representing your original face
avatar_part_key string true An unique key representing your target face
get_face_id int true An unique id representing your faceswap task
is_hd int true High quality mode 1: Enable 2: Disable

Response Attributes

Parameter Type Description
task_id int An unique id representing your faceswap task



    "avatar_key": [
            "target_part_key": "temporary/20240816/3620/1723785653905-459ed35e-e4b0-9ff6-3441-49289f82115e.jpg",
            "avatar_part_key": "temporary/20240816/6332581/172379952540-129237d8-e142-fd39-bfa1-00eeb15b98e9.png"
            "target_part_key": "temporary/20240816/6332581/1723799530615-fb873456-dd7b-2f89-a1d6-3633bb52cedc.png",
            "avatar_part_key": "temporary/20240816/6332581/1723799530615-fb873456-dd7b-2f89-a1d6-3633bb52cedc.png"
    "get_face_id": "105267189",
    "is_hd": "1"


    "code": 200,
    "message": "ok",
    "data": {
        "task_id": 458

Multiple Video Face Swap

Change faces on group video with target faces.


Body Attributes application/json

Parameter Type Required Description
avatar_key array true Face swap task data consists of original face and target face
target_part_key string true An unique key representing your original face
avatar_part_key string true An unique key representing your target face
get_face_id int true An unique id representing your faceswap task
is_hd int true High quality mode 1: Enable 2: Disable

Response Attributes

Parameter Type Description
task_id int An unique id representing your faceswap task



    "avatar_key": [
            "target_part_key": "temporary/20240816/3620/1723785653905-459ed35e-e4b0-9ff6-3441-49289f82115e.jpg",
            "avatar_part_key": "temporary/20240816/6332581/172379952540-129237d8-e142-fd39-bfa1-00eeb15b98e9.png"
            "target_part_key": "temporary/20240816/6332581/1723799530615-fb873456-dd7b-2f89-a1d6-3633bb52cedc.png",
            "avatar_part_key": "temporary/20240816/6332581/1723799530615-fb873456-dd7b-2f89-a1d6-3633bb52cedc.png"
    "get_face_id": "105267190",
    "is_hd": "1"


    "code": 200,
    "message": "ok",
    "data": {
        "task_id": 458

Get Task Detail

Get the status and results of the task after it has been created.


Body Attributes

Parameter Type Required Description
id int true An unique id representing your faceswap task

Response Attributes

Parameter Type Description
id int An unique id representing your faceswap task
message string The detail information of faceswap task
status int Task status 1: Waiting 2: Processing
additional_data object/array The data of face swap result



    "id": "106927142",


    "code": 200,
    "message": "",
    "data": {
        "id": 106927142,
        "message": "",
        "status": 0,
        "additional_data": {}

Image Face Swap

Parameter Type Description
size int The size of the result image
width int The width of the result image
height int The height of the result image
merge_key string An unique id representing your result image
merge_url string The signatured url of the result image
thumbnail_key string An unique id representing your result image thumbnail
thumbnail_url string The signatured url of the result image thumbnail
thumbnail_width int The width of the result image thumbnail
thumbnail_height int The height of the result image thumbnail


 "additional_data": {
    "size": 678609,
    "width": 512,
    "height": 768,
    "merge_key": "133902/asset/202408/1724032662728-494206dc-1475-7b96-c685-ee2095cac850.png",
    "merge_url": "",
    "thumbnail_key": "133902/asset/202408/1724032661400-b67c7abe-1ac4-9551-eeaf-bcd6c2419f28.png",
    "thumbnail_url": "",
    "thumbnail_width": 1080,
    "thumbnail_height": 540

Video Face Swap

Parameter Type Description
size int The size of the result video
duration float The duration of the result video
merge_key string An unique id representing your result video
merge_url string The signatured url of the result video
merge_width int The width of the result video
merge_height int The height of the result video
cover_key string An unique id representing your result video cover
cover_url string The signatured url of the result video cover
cover_width int The width of the result video cover
cover_height int The height of the result video cover
cover_thumbnail_key int An unique id representing your result video thumbnail
cover_thumbnail_url int The signatured url of the result video thumbnail
thumbnail_width int The width of the result video thumbnail
thumbnail_height int The height of the result video thumbnail


"additional_data": {
    "size": 7614239,
    "duration": 12.746067,
    "cover_key": "133902/asset/202408/1724035525663-9a94c106-b62f-0512-6a6d-5394e348052a.png",
    "cover_url": "",
    "merge_key": "133902/asset/202408/1724035528103-780ce768-d5f7-5512-1593-e8918046fd28.mp4",
    "merge_url": "",
    "cover_width": 1080,
    "merge_width": 1080,
    "cover_height": 554,
    "merge_height": 554,
    "thumbnail_width": 1080,
    "thumbnail_height": 540,
    "cover_thumbnail_key": "133902/asset/202408/1724035526966-bd9f9b5f-2caf-fa3c-130b-5edf1004c18e.png",
    "cover_thumbnail_url": ""

Get Multiple Faces

Parameter Type Description
kps object The height of the result video thumbnail
x int X-point in relation to the face
y int Y-point in relation to the face
size string The size of the result image
width string The width of the result image
height string The height of the result image
avatar_part_key string An unique key representing your original face
avatar_part_url int The signatured url of your original face


 "additional_data": [
        "kps": {
            "1": {
                "x": 27,
                "y": 45
            "2": {
                "x": 67,
                "y": 45
            "3": {
                "x": 49,
                "y": 75
            "4": {
                "x": 24,
                "y": 84
            "5": {
                "x": 65,
                "y": 85
        "size": 17913,
        "width": 87,
        "height": 121,
        "avatar_part_key": "temporary/20240819/133902/1724036183137-329eead9-1ac9-526b-f849-7e57e26b6826.png",
        "avatar_part_url": ""
        "kps": {
            "1": {
                "x": 17,
                "y": 61
            "2": {
                "x": 59,
                "y": 61
            "3": {
                "x": 33,
                "y": 86
            "4": {
                "x": 20,
                "y": 106
            "5": {
                "x": 57,
                "y": 106
        "size": 21322,
        "width": 93,
        "height": 137,
        "avatar_part_key": "temporary/20240819/133902/1724036183705-887bffbf-9f96-9e3a-5d7f-d831e0885790.png",
        "avatar_part_url": ""

Multiple Image Face Swap

Parameter Type Description
size int The size of the result image
width int The width of the result image
height int The height of the result image
merge_key string An unique id representing your result image
merge_url string The signatured url of the result image
thumbnail_key string An unique id representing your result image thumbnail
thumbnail_url string The signatured url of the result image thumbnail
thumbnail_width int The width of the result image thumbnail
thumbnail_height int The height of the result image thumbnail


  "additional_data": {
    "size": 568411,
    "width": 564,
    "height": 846,
    "merge_key": "133902/asset/202408/172403774488-a48671d3-9ced-1db3-545b-c4a578439d84.png",
    "merge_url": "",
    "thumbnail_key": "133902/asset/202408/1724037742729-badda78b-7e93-a551-306f-5da03c6a6026.png",
    "thumbnail_url": "",
    "thumbnail_width": 1080,
    "thumbnail_height": 540

Multiple Video Face Swap

Parameter Type Description
size int The size of the result video
duration float The duration of the result video
merge_key string An unique id representing your result video
merge_url string The signatured url of the result video
merge_width int The width of the result video
merge_height int The height of the result video
cover_key string An unique id representing your result video cover
cover_url string The signatured url of the result video cover
cover_width int The width of the result video cover
cover_height int The height of the result video cover
cover_thumbnail_key int An unique id representing your result video thumbnail
cover_thumbnail_url int The signatured url of the result video thumbnail
thumbnail_width int The width of the result video thumbnail
thumbnail_height int The height of the result video thumbnail


"additional_data": {
    "size": 2445521,
    "duration": 7.340667,
    "cover_key": "133902/asset/202408/1724045465751-b700e96f-b0dc-0956-d43d-a5da96404ce3.png",
    "cover_url": "",
    "merge_key": "133902/asset/202408/1724045468726-9601be56-b0c9-62b8-6d3e-5aae88d50fbb.mp4",
    "merge_url": "",
    "cover_width": 1080,
    "merge_width": 1080,
    "cover_height": 608,
    "merge_height": 608,
    "thumbnail_width": 1080,
    "thumbnail_height": 540,
    "cover_thumbnail_key": "133902/asset/202408/1724045467156-a97f8e8b-b723-7c99-d6ef-8eb9c17fa598.png",
    "cover_thumbnail_url": ""

Response Code Description

Description of the returned code value.
Parameter Type Description
code 200 Success
code 400 Request parameter error
code 401 Authorization failed(e.g. The token is invalid or expired)
code 500 Server exception occurred
code 601 Task exception occurred
code 602 No face detected
code 603 Multiple faces detected
code 604 The file may not meet our policy requirement(e.g. NSFW)
code 605 The target photo may not meet our policy requirement(e.g. The celebrities)
code 701 File exception occurred(e.g. File upload error)
code 702 The source file for the key was not found
code 703 Only supported formats: JPG, PNG, WEBP, GIF, M4V, MP4, MOV and WEBM
code 704 Only supported files: Max 500 MB
code 801 Not enough credits
code 802 Not enough requests