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How to Use Double Bubble Map to Visualize Your Ideas Effectively?

What is a double bubble map? Follow the guide to download templates and make double bubble maps to effectively compare and contrast ideas.

A double bubble map is a compare-and-contrast graphic organizer that compares two things, words, or concepts. These maps assist you in doing efficient brainstorming sessions, comparing two ideas to determine which is superior, and identifying the similarities and contrasts between diverse thoughts. 

Professionals and marketers use this tool to show information, compare statistics, and facilitate idea generation or the creation of new marketing and business plans during meetings. In this post, we'll go into further detail about double bubble maps and the various situations in which they may be used to improve learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Double Bubble Map

Table of Contents
What Is a Double Bubble Map?
The Use Scenarios of Double Bubble Map
Why Do People Use Double Bubble Maps?
Digital Tools for Double Bubble Map Making
MioCreate – A More Advanced Double Bubble Map Creator
The Drawbacks of Double Bubble Maps

What Is a Double Bubble Map?

It is a visual organizer for comparing and contrasting two linked concepts. It comprises two rings or bubbles overlapping in the center, each with one topic. The overlapping part lists the commonalities between the two concepts, while the outer sections indicate the contrasts. So a double bubble map, or double bubble thinking map, is also called a comparison and contrast map.

Double bubble map vs. Venn diagram

A Venn diagram and a double bubble map are examples of visual organizers for comparing and contrasting data. However, their layout and design are what set them apart.

> The circles in a Venn diagram overlap, with each circle denoting a group of data. The non-overlapping region highlights their differences, while the overlapping area highlights the commonalities between the two sets.

> A double bubble map, on the other hand, consists of two sizable bubbles, each representing a topic being compared and contrasted. The bubbles' overlapped areas signify the commonalities between the two themes, while their distinct regions signify their distinctions.


The Use Scenarios of Double Bubble Map

Double Bubble Maps can be used for several circumstances, such as:

1. Education: Double Bubble Maps can be used by teachers to assist pupils in comparing and contrasting various concepts, ideas, or subjects. A teacher may, for instance, use it to assist pupils in comparing and contrasting two distinct historical occurrences or literary masterpieces.

2. Business: It can also be used to compare various goods, services, or even rival companies. For instance, a business may compare and contrast the attributes of its product with those of a competitor via DBM.

3. Personal Decision-Making: People may utilize Double Bubble Maps to assist them in making crucial decisions about their lives, such as selecting between several career prospects or investing in a pricey item.

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4. Team Collaboration: Double Bubble Maps are valuable for team collaboration when working on a project. Team members may better understand the similarities and contrasts between various strategies or ideas using a DBM, which can encourage debate and provide a more successful result.

However, it is an effective tool that may be applied in various situations to assist people or groups in comparing and contrasting various thoughts or ideas. Let's discuss the significance of DBMs in routine tasks. 

Why Do People Use Double Bubble Maps?

Why Use Double Bubble Maps

Double bubble maps are a common choice for information organizations since they have several advantages:

  • Visual organization: Double bubble maps' clean and uncomplicated visual arrangement makes comparing and contrasting information between two themes easier.

  • Simplicity: The map's design is simple and easy to understand, allowing students to concentrate on the subject matter rather than figuring out how to utilize the tool.

  • Encourages critical thinking: Double bubble maps compel students to carefully research each subject to find parallels and distinctions. They better understand the advantages and disadvantages of either side of the comparison.

  • Deepens understanding: By comparing and contrasting two things, people can acquire specifics about each, encouraging a more profound comprehension of both subjects.

  • Making decisions: Making decisions may be a frightening and challenging process, but using double bubble maps can help. It assists in outlining the choices and directing individuals as they assess the advantages and disadvantages of each option before coming to a well-informed conclusion.

After knowing its significance and use cases, let's discuss the available tools to create double bubble maps and double bubble map templates free download to save time. 

Digital Tools for Double Bubble Map Making

Many digital tools can be used to create double bubble maps, there are some popular options:

Google Docs: Google Docs is a free online word processing tool that allows the creation of double bubble maps via inserting shapes and text. It is simple for users to work together in real time. How to draw a double bubble map on Google Docs? Read on to find the detailed working strategy.

Microsoft Word: Double bubble maps may be made with the popular word processing tool Microsoft Word. Users may change the layout by drawing shapes and adding text and photos.

Canva: Canva is a graphic design website that offers several templates, including a double bubble map. Users may personalize the map by adding photos and text, altering the fonts and colors, and downloading the finished result in several formats.

Lucidchart: Many templates, including a double bubble map template, are available on the web-based diagramming and visual communication tool Lucidchart. Users may quickly add objects to the canvas by dragging them there, changing the diagram's typefaces and color scheme, and sharing it with others.

How to make a double bubble map on Google Docs?

You may use the drawing tool in Google Docs to make a double bubble map via the following steps:

>> Open a new Google Docs document and click "Insert" in the menu bar.

Google Double Bubble Map Making 1

>> Choose "Drawing" from the drop-down menu and select "New."

>> Click on "Shapes."

>> To make the double bubble, choose the "Oval" form and draw two adjacent circles (parent circles). Now draw more circles (child circles) between and outside the parent circles to mention similarities and differences. 

Google Double Bubble Map Making 2

>> You can add text in all bubbles by using the "Text Box" tool.

>> To link similar concepts amongst the bubbles, use the "Line" tool.

>> After creating your double bubble map, select "Save and close" to add it to your Google Docs work.

MioCreate – A More Advanced Double Bubble Map Creator

MioCreate is an excellent choice for a more sophisticated and committed DBM maker. Basic templates are available in Google Docs and Microsoft Word, but MioCreate offers a more feature-rich platform that simplifies making and sharing double bubble maps.


The drag-and-drop interface of MioCreate, which makes it simple to add and arrange material on your map, is one of its primary advantages. Furthermore, MioCreate provides more adaptable templates than other platforms, enabling you to customize your map to suit your unique requirements. Several collaboration tools are also available in MioCreate, including sharing and editing a map with others in real time. In addition, unlike some other platforms, MioCreate has a wide range of additional tool integrations, making it simple to import and export information as needed.

How to do a double bubble map using MioCreate? Here are the simple steps to make a double bubble map:

Step 1: First, open MioCreate and create an account.

Step 2: Choose a bubble map template from the list of available templates.

Step 3: Fill in all the bubbles to compare the two items you prepared. You can use the shape tools to create more bubbles and you may change their color and size to suit your tastes.

Step 4: Share your double bubble map with others.

The Drawbacks of Double Bubble Maps

While double bubble maps are an effective tool for comparing and contrasting two related topics, they may only be appropriate in some circumstances. Consider the following disadvantages:

1. Limited scope: The scope of double bubble maps is limited to comparing and contrasting only two topics. Other tools may be more suited if there are more than two subjects to compare.

2. Simplistic: Double bubble maps are a simple and straightforward technique, so they may not be appropriate for more complicated or subtle issues. Users may need to add more information to their maps or use other tools to offer more data.

3. Lack of adaptability: Double bubble maps have a fixed structure that may only work for some data. Users may need to adjust or edit the map to meet their own needs, which might take time.

Despite these disadvantages, double bubble maps are valuable for their applications. They help organize and compare information, foster critical thinking, and make sound judgments. As with every technology, it is critical to understand its limits and use it correctly.


Although double bubble maps may not be appropriate for more complicated circumstances, they can be highly successful in various settings, including education, business, and personal decision-making. If you are searching for how to make a double bubble map that’s attractive and compelling, the right answer is using MioCreate. It is a preferred digital tool for double bubble maps due to its user-friendly interface, pre-made templates, and collaborative options. Whether you're a student, a company owner, or want to compare two possibilities, MioCreate can help you quickly and easily build a clear and succinct double bubble map.

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